How do colours and fonts enhance the look and feel of a website?


Colours and fonts play a big role in how a website looks and feels. Based on the experience of the designers of a web designing company in Delhi,different colors can create different moods. For example, blue can make a website feel calm and trustworthy, while red might make it seem exciting or urgent. Fonts also matter because they affect how easy it is to read and understand the text. A fancy, curly font might look pretty, but it can be hard to read, especially on a small screen. On the other hand, a simple, clear font like Arial or Times New Roman is usually easier for everyone to read. When designers pick colors and fonts for a website, they think about who will be visiting the site and what they want them to feel. If it's a website for kids, they might choose bright colors and fun fonts to make it cheerful and playful. 

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