Landing page design: Things that Shall Remain On Top Of Mind

A landing page is a page from where the user enters the website. It may not necessarily be the home page of the site which could be The landing page. In fact, it can be any of the pages which are provided by you in the paid advertisements or it can be some deep page which is ranking on the search engine result pages due to the SEO efforts. So, how shall we design the landing pages so that the visitors are made to explore the website or are taken on a well delineated process of conversion. Some of the main elements which expert web design company have to take note of in this respect are:

1. Place the foremost thing first: When the visitors enter the landing page, they have some expectation. For example, they enter your offers page from a paid advertisement. So, the first thing that they need to see is the information about that offer. Therefore, the designing of that page shall provide prominent visibility to the offer.

2. Define Navigation: Once the main attraction of the page is set, there is a need to define the navigation from that page to the desired pages in a smooth way so that the visitor gets into the conversion process.

3. Avoid diversions on the landing pages: Sometimes, the web design Delhi companies add more attractive stuff to the main topic under discussion. If that component has the effect of taking the attention of the visitor away from the main offer and compel him or her to take some other navigation path, then the potential client is lost. Therefore, it is imperative that diversions are avoided.

4. Use simple and easy-to-understand language: The language used in writing the text shall be commonly understood by the visitors. If you use difficult words or try to experiment too much with the language by putting the jargon which are not commonly understood by visitors, you are making them go away due to confusion and ambiguity.

Always remember that your site might be viewed by people from different linguistic backgrounds and from different regions and this might create a communication barrier.

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